Sunday 22 August 2021

New Zealand Geographic - Some Lockdown Ideas, Information and Activities to do

August 23, 2021

Eight legs, two fangs and an attitude

To all those who wrote in worried that hadn't received their fix; Together at Home is sent out overnight for weekdays. (We send the Weekender on Friday nights, to get you through the weekend!) Below is a story to read with talking points to discuss with the family, a cool craft activity and a video to watch to get your lockdown week off on the right foot.

Frequently feared, but mostly misunderstood, spiders have a dazzling repertoire of behaviour, and engineering skills which are unmatched in the animal world. Read more...


Talking points

Discuss the ideas presented in the story with your family—at home or over video conferencing. Find ways to involve as many people as possible, especially those who you know are isolated by the lock-down.

  • Do you agree that we are taught to be afraid of spiders through nursery rhymes, myths and movies? What examples can you think of? Are spiders ever given a “good” reputation?
  • What did you think about the behaviour of Margaret, the woman with arachnophobia? What were the things you found most interesting about how her phobia affects her life?
  • One of New Zealand’s most famous spiders, the Avondale spider, “immigrated” here on timber being brought in from Australia. With its legs stretched out, it measures 20cm. You might like to find a ruler and look at how big 20cm is. Do you think it is likely that a live spider ever stretches its legs out to reach this size? Why or why not? Avondales are unusual in that they live communally - what do you think the advantages of this might be? What about disadvantages?
  • Did you learn anything new about the spider’s anatomy, from the paragraph that starts “As children we are taught that spiders have eight legs…”? Which of these adaptations do you think might have allowed spiders to become such a highly successful species?
  • In the paragraph that starts “It’s dinner time at our house…” the writer goes into detail about how a grey spider interacts with its prey. Were there any surprises in this description? Do you feel any differently about spiders after reading this description?

Language Focus

“Spiders are the lions and tigers of the arthropods—there is not a vegetarian amongst them. They make their living by stalking or trapping their victims, subduing them with venom injected through hollow fangs, dissolving their soft tissues with powerful digestive juices and then sucking out their liquid lunch.”

  1. In the first line, what is the effect of the comparison between spiders and lions and tigers?
  2. What do you think is the effect of the phrase “there is not a vegetarian amongst them?”
  3. In the second sentence, can you find five gruesome verbs?
  4. In the second sentence, can you find two or more words with negative connotations?
  5. In the second sentence, can you find three or more adjectives that build up a picture in the readers’ mind?
Answers: 1. The comparison to lions and tigers helps us imagine the spider as a powerful and as a carnivore/meat-eater. 2. It adds humour because being vegetarian is something we associate with humans. 3. Stalking, trapping, subduing, injected, dissolving, sucking. 4. Venom, fangs or any of the verbs in the previous answer. 5. Hollow, soft, powerful, liquid.

Activity: Rock Turtle

Any smooth rocks lying around at your place? Grab some paint and make a cute rock animal for your garden. You could make a friendly spider or a turtle like the one in this project.

You will need:

  • 6 stones
  • Small craft brush
  • Your choice of colours
  • Bamboo skewer

Step 1: Find 6 garden stones. These will form the shape of a turtle.

Step 2: Paint the stones all over.

Step 3: Use a darker colour to paint polygon shapes on to the largest stone for the shell. Use the blunt end of a bamboo skewer to paint dots on to the flippers and head. Choose whatever colours you like!

Step 4: Paint the eyes with a dark colour.

Step 5: Send us a picture of your rock turtle!


Video: Art Within Nature

Seonaid Burnie is an eco-printer and textile artist who forages for materials and inspiration in the red zone of Ōtautahi/Christchurch.  Created without the chemicals or waste that is associated with traditional art, Seonaid’s work has a subtle natural beauty, a calmness that speaks of a quiet, reflective and almost timeless place, an antidote to the juggernaut of 21st century rapid change.

Watch the video, then ask yourself; how does Seonaid’s process reflect her personal journey toward a greater connection with the earth, and how might her work inspire others?



Carter John (5) got thoroughly engaged in the plate fish activity.  According to Carter's nana Kay, "it provoked lots of discussion about gills, tropical fish and volcanoes under water!"

What is Together at Home?

New Zealand Geographic started Together at Home at the beginning of the first lockdown in 2020. It was hit with parents, and also for grandparents who felt isolated and wanted to join in. It also gave parents themselves some welcome escape. If you're not into it, just hit unsubscribe. If you like it, then send us pictures of what you make and encourage others to join the list on the Together at Home hub. It will be coming your way every day of the lockdown. Thanks to Resene for sponsoring this week.

How do NZGeo digital subs work?

You can access three items per month totally free on, and thereafter it costs $1 per week for a digital subscription. (We bill $8.50 every two months to a credit card, or $50/year if you prefer.) A digital subscription gives you access to more than 10,000 stories and 400 hours of natural history documentaries on-demand, on any device.



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